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Q: What role would the character play at our meeting?

A: He plays a member of the audience. In a sales meeting he'd be a sales rep, in a dealer meeting...a dealer and at an employee of the troops. As a member of the audience he becomes their "voice". In that role, he can express all the worries and concerns that are on the audiences mind. He can talk about things the audience doesn't always get a chance to discuss with management.

Q: How does expressing the audience thoughts help us?

A: For one thing, It shows that management is listening and willing to have a dialogue about whatever the issue or topic.

Q: Is the character pre-recorded?

A: No. The characters are performed LIVE in an area backstage and then projected onto one of the meeting screens.

Q: What types of meetings does the character fit into?

A:  The character has been a part of many different types of meetings. Including sales, marketing, training, customer, partner and employee events.

Q: Won't our executives look foolish if they're seen interacting with a puppet or cartoon?

A:  Not at all. In fact, interacting with the character has a way of "humanizing" the person on stage. The executive looks more confident and in-the-know.

Q: Are the interactions all ad-lib?

A:  No, the interactions are carefully scripted with input from you and your executives. All the answers to the character's tough questions are written so the presenter has a good answer. No surprises.

Q: Is the character on screen the whole time?

A: No. He only appears at pre-determined times when it helps to have a brief Q&A between the character and the presenter about a particular topic. He can also help re-enforce key messages and act as cheerleader when necessary.

Q: How much time is needed for input and scripting prior to our event?

A: We can usually get a pretty good idea about what your business is and what the topics are in a few phone calls. We'll also get a good profile of who the audience is in our initial contact. As far as scripting, it partly depends on how often the character will appear within your agenda. The more interactions you have...the longer it will take.

Q: Our messages are very serious and we have some hard issues to deal with. How can a character help?

A: The character works especially well when there are tough  issue to tackle. He can help you deal with them right up front and then focus on your messages.

Q: It sounds interesting, but how much would it cost?

A: The total fee is based on scipting, time on site for the performer and technician plus a video equipment charge. Travel expenses will be additional. Once we know more about your schedule and requirements we can quickly put a budget together for you.

Q: How soon can you be ready for an event?

A: We typically need 2-3 weeks. Input gathering and scripting is the most time consuming part of the process. The lead time can be shortened in some cases.

Q: What is a typical schedule for your participation in an event?

A: The schedule usually includes a travel day, a setup day, a rehearsal day, event days, then strike and travel.

Q: Our executives are usually on tight schedules. How much rehearsal with the character will they need?

A: A few run-throughs should be enough. They'll also get all the direction they need from the performer since this is something new for most executives. 

Q: What kind of AV equipment do we need to provide?

A: We provide most of the video equipment necessary to perform the character. We don't provide a sound system or projection screens. Your AV company will also need to provide a few peripheral items that we don't ship.Tech specifications for our services will be provided which clearly spells all this out.

Q: What are the benefits that come from using the character again?

A: The audience has a voice, management is humanized's FUN. 

Q: How do we get started?

A: Call us. We'd love to hear from you.

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